I'm writing this as I realize I'm driving back to college in 36 hours and haven't done any of the things I said I was going to do... or packed.
An extra week of Spring Break? HECK YES!
Wait... I'm going to be at home for 5 months?
I can't even see my friends?
Well, this sucks.
Actually, maybe this isn't too bad.
Time to exercise and read and watch all those Netflix shows I've been meaning to watch.
This actually rocks.
I'm baking, getting in shape, and trying all sorts of new things!
It's only been a month???
This is the W O R S T!
It's a revolution!
I'm even bored of watching Netflix.
I guess I'll start doing more random stuff?
Tik Tok. So. Much. Tik Tok.
I haven't seen another person my age in forever.
What is social interaction?
Wait... you mean after doing nothing for 5 months, I'm going to have to go back to school and actually do work?
I don't need to shower every day anymore.
This Bachelorette drama is all I have to live for.
It's been 5 months already?
There's so much I was going to do and then just... didn't.
I leave tomorrow???
Time to see my friends again.