Dear professor,
I am very aware of the fact that you have recently started to make the comment that you are very busy and feeling overloaded with your work. You are not complaining; these remarks just happen to slip out during our conversations. At first, I must admit that I initially was a little repulsed by the frequency of your mentioning how busy you were. Everyone has stuff going on; everyone has responsibilities to tend to day after day. You telling me that you are busy does not affect me in any way.
Or at least I thought it wouldn't.
After I started to really think about our conversations, I realized that, while every person has an individualized workload and stress tolerance level based on circumstances that can either be caused by their indirectly or directly by their choices, every person deserves to be acknowledged for the positive impact that they have on others. Every person deserves to know that the time, dedication, work, contributions, and collaborations are appreciated.
As an undergraduate, I am always making adjustments to new schedules as I learn how to juggle meetings, advocation time, volunteering hours, classes, individual meetings, internships, part-time jobs, on top of all the other factors that are necessary for living. I totally understand what it's like to be "very busy."
Or at least I thought I did.
Initially, each time that you made slight references to your hectic schedule, piling up of your workload, or lack of spare time, I would immediately think that these were weird comments to make. As a professor, you should have your life all figured out; your time management skills are in tip-top shape and you never get stressed or overwhelmed about your workload because this is what you wanted. You've been through a lot more stressful and hectic times like when you were in my place right now as an undergraduate or perhaps when you made that shift from undergraduate to graduate student (and then again as you began your doctorate program).
Or at least I thought you would have everything all figured out by now.
I quickly realized that it is perfectly OK for the professor who makes statements regarding how busy they are. You never know what people are going through; there are so many factors that have the potential to affect life at any stage. Inter-personal relationships, family dynamics, financials, and health concerns all pollute our personal and professional lives. Even professors.
What had the greatest impact on my way of thinking is realizing that, even though this professor is "very busy," they are still taking the time to prepare lectures, answer questions, create exams, grade papers, meet with students, and instill a love for learning whatever subject they are so passionate about in the first place. I realized how special it is that, while this professor may make comments about their busy schedule, they are still choosing to reply promptly to my emails, provide thorough feedback on my work, and meet outside of class each time that I request.
I am forever grateful for the number of hours that all of my "very busy" professors give to ensure that their classes run productively. I want you to know that I understand how hectic things can get. Oftentimes, students have high expectations for professors. I think it's important to maintain these standards, but also remain empathetic to the fact that nobody truly knows what somebody else is going through. Being understanding and positive are two important qualities that I know I have kept in mind whenever meeting with a "very busy" professor.
Additionally, I would like to genuinely thank the "very busy" professor for all that they do. I know that it is not always easy to complete quality work when you have so many different people and things prying for your attention. I want you to know that your students appreciate your efforts; they do not go unnoticed even on days when you may think that they are. I am here to voice that appreciation now.
Thank you for the unrelenting time, thoughtfulness, dedication, perseverance, and motivation that you possess daily; each of these factors inspires me, busy schedule and all.