1. When people have full conversations in the library when you're trying to study.
Yeah I'm probably on facebook but we are in a library try to respect the other people studying!
2. 7:30 a.m. classes
*Presses snooze 6 times*
3. Any early morning classes for that matter.
Whoever made the times for class should be fired
4. Having different people you meet every semester say "we'll hangout".
Suddenly John from MGT 1001 doesn't remember your name
5. When you're a commuter, it's raining, you get to campus and your class is cancelled.
Would it KILL you to email us beforehand?!?! THE WORST.
6. Constantly comparing yourself to your peers around you.
We are all on individual paths and we compare ourselves to each other when we aren't the same.
7. Feeling you can't function without a cup off coffee (or 4).![]()
Give me that iced coffee then talk to me
8. Feeling the pressures of society.![]()
"Your GPA is everything, you're stupid if it's low, be sure to have good grades, a social life, and get a job!"
9. 8 page papers, midterm and finals.
Do professors think we only have their class?
10. Fricken pop quizzes.
Seriously...we should have left those in highschool!
11. When a professor just reads from a PowerPoint.
I could do this at home I thought I would actually be learning something Mr. PH.D.
12. Wanting to eat EVERYTHING all the time.
The Freshman 15 is a very real thing. When you enter college, it's like you've never seen or eaten junk food/fast food in your life. You constantly stress eat and it takes a toll on your daily life.
12. Mondays.
No explanation needed mondays suck universally
13. No matter where you are you would rather be sleeping.
Why am I always sooooo tired?????
14. When you complain about not going out but then people actually ask you to go out and you don't want to.
"Yeah, I have to go to my mom's uncle's cats funeral..."
15. Feeling alone.
Sometimes you can have all the friends in the world and still feel alone. It's normal in college. Everyone is trying to pass and just get through the day. Be your own company and learn to be independent.
16. Worrying about the future.
Worrying about if you'll get a job right away, how you're going to pay off your loans, and the real world.
Even though you're confused, hungry, frustrated, broke, and stressed college really is the best time of your life so enjoy every minute of it!