It seems like college today is taken for granted, that some feel they are entitled to attend college. Attending college has become the 'obvious' next step in pursuing any career, and you are looked down upon by many if college is not in your future. But college is most definitely a privilege, something that requires a large amount of work, and should be earned. It should be treasured.
College began with asking teachers and superiors for recommendation letters in the spring of my junior year of high school. Personally, I applied to five colleges, taking several months to complete them all. I had to complete essays and applications, gather grade point averages and SAT/ACT scores, along with my regular school work. A lot of effort and time went into applying to colleges, and it is definitely something to give thanks to God for. Financially, as well as time-wise, attending college had become a burden for my senior year. I lost a lot of sleep over applying to college itself, along with applications for scholarships to cushion the debt. College is an offer to live in a new community, one which can be filled with wonderful people and the opportunity to grow both as a student and as a person. For me personally, at Eastern University, I am excited to grow in my faith which I believe will in turn aid me with my academics and social interactions. I will continue to let God reign in my life, guiding my every move.
At Eastern, I have the opportunity to discover who I am in an atmosphere with encouragement. I started off here about a week ago in an orientation with other Leadership Fellows Students. We had a four-day orientation with some fantastic leaders whose top priority was to encourage and welcome us. I was able to meet many people who I can connect to spiritually.
As a nurse, my vocation makes college a necessary step in fulfilling God's plan for me. College has been such a blessing, and I am so grateful God has privileged me with the opportunity to be introduced into a new environment. There were many people and factors involved in my journey to college, from applications to acceptance, to moving in. I've been blessed with so many opportunities not only to go to college but to be able to study the major of my choosing and take part in the activities I want.
I urge all of you who are blessed with the experience to appreciate every minute of your college life, to be thankful for the struggles especially. For God is molding you and helping you to become a new person entirely. Allow this new place to change you.