There are just some things we all don't like about college, whether we can control it or not.
1. Laundry
We have threetwoworking washers in my dorm building and five working dryers. For the whole building.
2. Food Lines
If you go to Ithaca College and try to eat breakfast lunch and dinner on the hour, I pray for you. The omelet line is long, the taco line is long, all the lines are long.
3. The food itself is... questionable
Either you like it, or you don't, there is no in-between.
4. The weather
It's ice cold in Ithaca 75% of the year and boiling hot the other 15%.
5. It's hard to make new friends halfway through the semester
I'm pretty sure I only knew four people max in each of my classes.
7. Buses home
(For those without a car) The coach buses home are a blessing and a curse, either you get a seat to yourself or you're sitting with a complete stranger for 6 hours straight.
8. Scheduling for the semester
*When HomerConnect crashes at exactly your registration time*
9. Every class is full
*When HomerConnect finally connects and all the classes and backups you planned for are full *
10. Loud people at night
I live in a dorm and I swear to God I don't need to hear you singing High School Musical's "Breaking Free" at 2 am when I have an 8 am to get to.
12. Party culture
The guys outside Upper Quads that bellow "Yeeah" to each other, the sounds of guys and girls throwing up.
13. No decorating
I got a door violation and I'm bitter. Alternatively: Just let me decorate for Halloween please!
14. All your essays are due at once
At the end of Finals week you'll have written 8 essays, taken 3 tests, and still have to pack for home and maintain a social life.
15. People who don't raise their hand in a hands-raising class
Sorry, just, there was one guy in one of my classes that was super obnoxious and would blurt out whatever he wanted whenever he wanted and... It got on my nerves.
What a bitter post, sorry not sorry. Sometimes you just have to vent ya know?