Packing for college can be very overwhelming because there is just so many things to remember. It can be very easy to forget some minor details, and not find out until you're already at school. Or worse, what if you overpack and cannot fit everything in your room? Here's a quick guide of what you really need and what you can live without!
1. Clothes
There's always a struggle over if you should bring your entire wardrobe (don't, there won't be enough room) or only bring a few weeks worth of clothes (don't, you might not go home to pick up more). Finding the perfect balance is hard, but pack enough of summer clothes, a few layers for if it gets cold, and nice clothes to wear to class.
2. Decor
If you're living with another person, talk to them to make sure you're not bringing duplicates. You won't have room for two rugs, two full length mirrors, and two futons. Bring some memories from home, but creating new canvases and art for your wall can be exciting as well. Make sure to bring the proper command hooks to hang up all your creations as well!
3. "Essentials"
Many people will tell you there are things you cannot live without in your dorm room. For me, I thought I really needed speakers because I love to listen to music throughout the day. Turns out, putting your phone in a cup works just as well for significantly less. I have also drug my iron around to two dorms and only used it once when I was going through recruitment. Chances are if you don't use it often at home, you won't use it at school and it will just take up space and annoy you.
4. Storage
Pack in storage boxes, shelves etc so you can actually have some storage space in your room. The dresser and closet will likely not hold all your stuff, so by having plastic drawers or boxes you can store the items you won't need right away.