It's college orientation season once again; the time when incoming freshmen and transfers first encounter their new home for the next four years or less without mommy or daddy holding their hand.
It has actually been over a year since I first went to my college orientation. I met a lot of different students and several of the people I met I soon saw again when it came time for the real college deal. Some people I even became friends with. On top of that, I won a $20 gift card to the college's bookstore. (Every college has their own orientation perks.)
Like going away from home for the first time, "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" serves as the perfect show to describe life outside of your boundaries.
So, for those of you going to your college orientation in the mere future (or have already gone to your orientation), here's what college orientation is like.
When you arrive on campus, the atmosphere and excitement of just being there fills you.
Time to take a photo for your student ID. Your photo either looks really good or, when you look back at it years later, really bad.
You then analyze all of the other students who have signed up for your orientation. Some of them look like gorgeous supermodels.
While others look like freshmen in high school.
You go to put your luggage in your dorm room to find that the dorms were not what you expected.
And your roommate....well, at least it's only for one or two nights. (S)he is not going to be your roommate for the whole year.
After that, you finally meet your orientation leader and your group. Everyone goes around in a circle to introduce themselves.
Your orientation leader then decides that it's time to play an ice breaker in order for everyone to get to know each other better.
During your free time away from your group, you try to interact with some of the other incoming freshmen/transfers. Some people you click with instantly.
Others....not so much.
It's dinner time! All the dining hall food you can eat equals instant Freshmen 15.
After dinner, there's more fun activities for everyone to do all through the night. You either go out and enjoy the fun...
...or you go back to your room because you don't want to socialize with strangers.
Most of the rest of your time consists of either boring or corny lectures about campus safety, classes, dorm rooms, financial aid, etc.
If you didn't do so already, you then take a tour of the entire campus. You see all of the dorms, the academic buildings, lecture halls, etc.
Now that your orientation is over, it's time to go back home.
During the car ride (or when you arrive home if you drove to your orientation), your parents ask you, "How did your orientation go?" You reply with either...
But you know that, come time for you to go to your campus for real, you're going to try to make your first year in college (or your new college) the best year of your life.
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