Want to go to college? Don’t. Aha just kidding, yes kids, go to college. My favorite thing about college is learning--and no, I don’t mean the classes. I mean learning what’s best for me to succeed.
I’ve learned that it’s easier for me to study at home. I guess it’s just an easier surrounding for me because I’m comfortable in it. I’ve also learned to organize my studying and homework.
Classes that meet four times a week get eight hours a week worth of studying and homework. Three times a week is six hours. Two times a week is four hours and one time a week is two hours. This usually helps me prioritize which class I need more times to focus on.
Another thing I’ve learned is that reminders will save your life. Since college kids are always on their phones anyway, get a reminder app and use it to write down your class meetings times, deadlines, homework and anything else you need to remember.
A good way to keep organized is to make sure you know when things have to happen. Have certain days to do laundry and to study for your bio exam and to go shopping for your dorm fridge. It’s easy to get caught up in school and forget to take care of other things.
I like to plan out my month. It’s gotten easier to do that ever since college because I have a lot more time on my hands. As long as you’re smart with your downtime, then you should be fine. College really isn’t as hard as everyone says it is. You’ll do great!