13 Types Of People On Your Campus, As Characters From "The Office"
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13 Types Of People On Your Campus, As Characters From "The Office"

Because who hasn't met a few Angela's in their life?

13 Types Of People On Your Campus, As Characters From "The Office"

Having recently completed my first semester at UNC-Chapel Hill, I've met a plethora of people–all of whom are slightly different in the ways they deal with college life. In fact, I could probably base almost every person off of a character from the beloved show, "The Office." Because who hasn't met a few Angela's in their life?

1. The Try-Hard: Dwight Schrute

Dwight is always trying to impress Michael, acting as one of his most loyal "friends." On many accounts, he's tried to save Michael's reputation or even his life, by means of some faulty plan that never actually goes accordingly. Thus, Dwight is a blatant suck-up that wants credit, fame or just pure admiration from his boss to get a leg up to the top - a classic description of a college try-hard.

2. The Party Animal: Meredith Palmer

Meredith is definitely the party-goer. You'll find her going out on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, leaving her just barely hungover enough to get a whiff of her alcohol as she arrives late to her 8 a.m. class on Monday. She's always down for a good time and enjoys spending it with just about anyone, really.

3. The Drama Queen: Kelly Kapoor

Kelly is probably one of the first friends you'll make at the beginning of the semester before it all goes downhill. You might have eaten lunch together and even had a couple classes with her. You thought she was chill until she started bringing up the drama with her ex-boyfriend or that "snooty girl in physics," and for no apparent reason.

4. Your Best Friend: Pam Beesly

Ah, Pam. How reliable and kind-hearted. She'll always be there for you, through thick and thin. You have so many wonderful memories together. You may not meet her until later on in your college career, but your Pam Beesly is out there, somewhere.

5. The Legacy Child/Rich Kid: Andy Bernard

Let's face it. Andy wouldn't have gotten into the school if his father hadn't donated an entire building. He never studies, is always out partying, and just doesn't care enough about college either way. However, he takes great pride in his alma mater and will diss anyone who tries to mock it.

6. The Creep: Creed Bratton

*SPOILER ALERT* Creed's name isn't even Creed. He's the guy you don't know much about, even though you see him everywhere. He rarely shows up for class and when he does, he's never paying attention and acts like he's in his own little world.

7. The Hot-Shot Douchebag: Ryan Howard

He's attractive and in one of the most popular fraternities on campus - but don't let looks deceive you. Ryan's also a mansplainer and has definitely cheated on a girlfriend or two. He always has ulterior motives and knows what it takes to get to the top...and then lose it all. Yes, he might make it big someday, but he'll form a lot of beef with other students in the process.

8. The Wise Upperclassman: Phyllis Vance

Phyllis is that one student, usually an upperclassman, that seems to have her whole life together. She might not speak out that often, but when she does, she drops some bomb-ass advice that makes you stop and think about how you're doing college completely wrong.

9. The Campus Celebrity: Jim Halpert

It's difficult to not like Jim. He's smart, attractive, and downright hilarious. You'll feel blessed to even bask in the presence of this so-called celebrity, whether this person is a sports-ball superstar or a meme. I mean, Michael Scott even joked that Jim played basketball for the North Carolina Tarheels at one point so I rest my case.

10. The "Cool" Professor: Michael Scott

Michael Scott is the professor who shows up to class wearing an "Up Dog" t-shirt and baggy jeans that could never possibly work on him. But he does so anyway because he's ~cool~ and ~hip~ and wants to fit in with the student population. I mean, that's why I think he took such an interest in Ryan Howard. He assigns little homework and when he does, it's to "make a music video about your favorite food."

11. The Type-A Student: Angela Martin

Almost everyone gets on Angela's nerves. She's rarely satisfied with her grades and most likely spends a lot of her time cooped up in the library or her dorm room because (shh, don't tell anyone) she hides her cat there. She's also the one person in a group project that probably criticizes everyone else's work despite her minimal contributions.

12. The Food Junkie: Kevin Malone

This guy knows about the next event on campus that'll have free food. He takes his meals seriously and finds enjoyment in sticking by the snack table at parties. Kevin Malone is honestly every single college student at heart.

13. The Anti-Social: Toby Flenderson

Poor, poor Toby. He doesn't have many friends and somehow always gets the short end of the stick, if you know what I mean. He tries to get along with others, but he comes off as slightly awkward or boring. Nevertheless, he's not alone. There's probably some point during the semester when we feel like Toby and just want some love and affection.

There's no escaping the various personalities you will experience during your time at college. It's a part of life and there'll be plenty more in the real world. So, you might as well make the most of it and take it all in. Who knows, maybe at the end of the semester you'll have a laugh at all the crazy memories as if you were watching your favorite episode of "The Office."

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