As my college years come to an end, I’ve realized to be thankful for the little things that I won’t have the enjoyment of experiencing next year. I’ve only got one more semester to savor the things that I’ll miss the most:
Staying out until 3 a.m. Those fun late nights out are usually followed by an attempt to zombie through the next day in hopes of maybe having time for a 20 minute nap. As miserable as those zombie days are, I’ll miss them because they remind me of how much fun the night before was and that I won’t get those nights back.
Living close to friends. I’ll miss having all of my best friends walking distance from me. I dread move out day when we will have to go our separate ways and have to adjust to life in a real-word neighborhood with real-world people and do real-world things. Moving out of the dorms was hard enough, but moving away from town will be a new kind of heartbreak.
Those 4th meals that are so heavenly in the moment but so regretful the next day. When two cheeseburgers or the crunch wrap supreme from last night suddenly feels like 20 extra pounds, it creates a new kind of hangover. But I’ll miss ending the night happily pigging out to unhealthy grub.
Costume parties are an excuse to buy clothes and accessories I don’t need. It's an excuse to pretend to be something you're not and wear something bizarre without worrying about people judging you. Although, most of us don’t need an excuse to do that anyway.
Football. More specifically, the student section. Being surrounded by thousands of people who love the Vols as much as I do is one of the happiest feelings. I already have plans to sneak into the student section next year and relive the glory days.
I’ll miss the people who made my college experience so worthwhile. Professors, friends, sorority sisters, family, bouncers who know my name, the lady at the market who gives me free coffee, the strangers who send out study guides to the entire class. I’m thankful for all of you.
As my last semester creeps up, I’m ready to appreciate every moment I experience and the people I get to share them with. To the underclassmen- stay out and get a 4th meal at 3 a.m., meet as many people as you can, don’t ever miss a football game, be yourself and remember that the best nights of your life will end up being the spontaneous ones.