Move-in is usually a weekend followed by school starting the day (or two days) after move-in occurs. In this case, we had almost an entire week to move-in. There were many protocols we needed to follow prior to move-in. We had a COVID-19 screening, temperatures taken, and everything was documented. And of course, a mandated mask policy for every building on campus, including all the academic buildings. During move-in, we could only have one person helping us for one total hour, to ensure that there wasn't too much increase in contact between people in the building. Additionally, we aren't allowed visitors onto the floors of the building, whether they're from a different building on campus or our parents. The move-in week activities were dramatically altered to ensure that social distancing could be followed. This meant that the freshman had a lot less exposure to other freshmen, making it significantly harder to meet more people.
To address the topic of classes, the majority are doing a blended style, which means both online and in-person. This could be either alternating days or a choice for the student. For the laboratory classes where a hands-on approach is needed, those classes have been split up (as far as I know) into different groups that take the lab on different days, and when you're not in class it's imperative that you complete the online homework. The grades this year also look a little different. Attendance isn't mandatory (they're encouraging people to stay home if they even feel remotely sick) and there are (for the most part) no participation points this semester.
On-campus activities are also looking dramatically different this year. For example, sorority recruitment is done online for the majority of the days with the last still being To Be Announced. The traditional experience can be very overwhelming and nerve-racking, and now to do it all virtually seems very overwhelming. Trying to find where you fit into a group of girls is hard enough, but it's even harder when you can't meet them in person.
All in all, the first week of life on campus has had some challenges, some good, and some not-so-good. The school and staff are doing their best to make our college experience a good one. One thing we know for sure is that we are not alone in this.