This week has been a crazy roller coaster. I just recently started college and had to move only three hours away from home, even though it feels like twelve. I had been counting down the days until I moved into my new home and when the time had finally come I didn't necessarily feel excitement, I felt mostly nervous. I just kept thinking how am I just going to be able to pack up and leave my friends, my family, my home. How am I suppose to make new friends at a totally different place, where I barely know anyone. How in the world am I suppose to take college classes and study for them? I have been spoon fed information all my life and now I'm going to be on my own. I had all these thoughts racing around my mind making me scared to leave home. It wasn't till I actually got to my new home that I started to feel comfortable.
The day we moved in, my roommate and I caught up with some friends we had met only a few months prior at a thing called college bound and really hit it off (again). Also the football players who helped move our things into the dorms were really cute so that helped. That next night we made some new friends and went out on the town getting to know them. We actually just went on a beach trip with them and had the time of our lives. So the whole "how am I going to make friends" fear that I had went away. Heck I'm still making new friends! I've had an amazing time making new friends and creating more memories.
I was having so much fun, until the dreaded Wednesday came. That was when classes started. I got up at the wee hour of 7 am and got ready for my first class. When I got there I was fairly nervous, even though I had met the teacher a few occasions and he was pretty cool. Once I actually wanted the classroom I was completely at ease. There's about 7 kids in there, including me, so there are a lot of opportunities to get to know one another.
The rest of my classes went by smoothly. I actually had fun learning in a classroom and didn't feel anxious about new material. Everyone was so nice and made me feel welcome. The teachers really cared and seemed genuine. Even in my math class (which I'm terrible at) I felt comfortable. It was like all the fears I had circling my mind didn't exist anymore. Everyone was so nice and made me feel like choosing Faulkner was the right choice. It's been an extravagant experience this first week of college. If the rest of the year went by as smoothly as this week has, I know its going to be a extraordinary and amazing time.