Being a college student myself, navigating your first semester is daunting, and now that I’m close to the end of the Fall Semester, I've compiled a list of mistakes I’ve made, but I’m not mad at myself for making them, you see it's a learning experience and now I can share with all of you!
1. Skipping Class
Don’t even deny it. We’ve all done it, and we really shouldn’t considering, we are paying for education. Go to class, even when you don’t want to, falling behind sucks.
2. Procrastinating on work and assignments
I procrastinate, who doesn’t? Although, college work is a lot different then work in high school. You can’t do the work during the class period before its due. It just doesn’t work that way, trust me
3. Bad food everyday
Yes you CAN eat pizza and ice cream everyday BUT you shouldn’t. It's all about moderation, eating better makes you feel better! I’m not saying to not eat ice cream, just make conscious decisions about it.
4. Not having the proper supplies
For some reason I thought it would be wise to use one notebook for all my classes. NOPE. Don’t do that, it's stressful and you will be unorganized and get confused what is for what class.
5. Socializing more then studying
Make time to study. You are paying for college, don’t neglect your studies because you want to hang out with friends! Your friends will understand, and chances are, they need to study as well!
6. Not taking advantage of extra credit and free feedback
EXTRA CREDIT IS YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND. If your professor offers it, do it! Same with free feedback, If your professor lets you hand in work early for them to “grade” and lets you revise before actually grading, it could be the difference between an A and a B.
7. Not paying attention to the syllabus
The syllabus literally has the due dates there for the whole semester, and tells you everything you need to do well in the class. Look at the syllabus.
8. scheduling 8 AM's when you know you're not a morning person
Don’t torture yourself. Schedule classes based on how you function.
9. Not taking care of yourself
Your health is important. Make sure you are being safe, and if your sick, get medicine. It is so easy to get sick when your surrounded by other people!
10. Not budgeting
Blowing all your money is the worst thing you can do to yourself. Allow yourself to have a monthly budget to go out and do fun things with friends or to buy something. Budget, budget, budget.
11. Lack of time management/schedule making
Creating a schedule and sticking to it is a life saver. Invest in planning your day before it starts to get too hectic and you start running around like you have no head.