It's that point in the semester again, the one packed with late nights at the library and copious amounts of caffeine. Only a few exams and papers separate us from a week full of sunshine and relaxation (or for some, Netflix and a cozy couch).
There's no question that midterms suck, especially when you'd rather be daydreaming about spring break. And if there's one person who can understand our pain, it's my boy Schmidty. If he were here right now, I'm sure he'd know exactly how to describe our feelings.
1. When it's the day of your big exam so you give yourself a pep talk
Somebody's got to!
2. When your professor tells you that this is the test most students do the worst on
Thank you, that was exactly what I needed to hear.
3. When you and your friends have a pizza night because "calories don't count when you're studying"
I'm pretty sure it's a scientifically proven fact.
4. When that really annoying kid in class asks how you thought the exam went
They never have to know you almost cried five times during it.
5. When you take a Netflix break from studying and somehow wind up four episodes deep into "New Girl"
Started from the bottom now we here!
6. When you studied your butt off only to find out you didn't get the grade you wanted on your exam
Life can be so cruel.
7. When your parents ask you how your week is going and you're just like:
My life is falling apart, but I'm fine!
8. When your professor puts questions on the exam that he specifically said he wouldn't ask
This was only supposed to happen in my nightmares.
9. When you have that one person in your class who's a genius and messes up the curve for everyone
We hate you but also secretly want to be you.
10. When someone sits in your favorite spot on exam day
Excuse me, but who do you think you are?!
11. When people ask you how long you've been studying
I really stopped keeping track a few hours ago.
12. When you walk into office hours and are just like:
Please tell me if I even have the slightest idea of what's going on.
13. When your professor decides to cancel class the day before spring break
A true miracle.
14. When your professor decides not to cancel class the day before spring break
Thanks for thinking of me during this difficult time.
15. When you finally made it to the end of the week and feel like you deserve a gold medal or something
Always, Schmit. Always.