As I'm writing this article, I'm currently sitting at my kitchen counter with my roomie thinking about all of the assignments and essays I have to do after my article submission.
I often find myself making lists or stressing about all of the work that I know I have to do some nights throughout the week. It's a constant cycle and I have recently realized how frustrating it is to bed a constant cycle.
I have most recently realized that the best way to go about dealing with the stress of the semester is to tackle it head-on.
Stressed about an assignment?
Just do it and be done!!!
I have personally come to the realization that I'm over living life worried and stressed about assignments I have to do, but, realistically, that's college and that's life.
I have realized that although I am busy and life is extremely hectic, these assignments, quizzes, projects, whatever it may be, just have to be done in order to power through college.
Although now is a time where we should be thriving, it can also be difficult to keep up with the challenges life throws at us and the amount of time it can take to finish everything we have to do.
All in all, college life is an extremely fun & exciting time, but the workload can definitely get the best of you. If there's one thing I've learned for sure, it's to make sure I have my school stuff in order to take the extra stress off of my hands.
Unfortunately (although better late than never), prioritizing my school work (although I still procrastinate — LOL, some things never change) is something I really didn't begin to do until my junior year, & it has honestly saved me from the stress my major brings.
If you feel like you're in a state of libido and on that struggle bus of stressing about work you have yet to even do, I absolutely urge you to just do it.