As a kid, I always loved pretending I was the Disney Princesses. As I've grown up, I've found myself more connected to them and found a greater appreciation for the movies. Recently, I've associated college majors to these characters. So here's another reason to call myself a Princess.
1. Education: Cinderella
Everyone knows Cinderella had a curfew at midnight, and most education majors would say it was for her own good. When it comes to student teaching, Education majors know that strict bedtimes are essential to waking up and taking care of younger generations. They also know the importance of their job and how influential they are to their students. Education majors need to remind students (and themselves), that if they keep on believing, the dream that they wish will come true.
2. English: Belle
So Belle loved books like all English majors do. She continued her passion of reading no matter how strange the townspeople thought she was, much like English majors work to obtain an English degree regardless of negative comments. Both share their knowledge with others and have an immense love of literature. Not only that, but Belle and English majors reread old books because there might be something there that wasn't there before.
3. Business: Tiana
In Disney's The Princess and the Frog, Princess Tiana works all the time to eventually start her own business. Business majors also work really hard to start up their own businesses, or be a part of one. These students know the struggles of businesses, but never give up on their degrees because they know they're almost there.
4. Engineering: Rapunzel
In Tangled, Rapunzel's weapon of choice is nothing but a frying pan, and who would have thought that a frying pan could have so many uses?! Engineering majors, like Rapunzel, work to find new uses for things, as well as inventions to help themselves and others. Like everyone else, they've got a dream. Not only that, but have you seen how Rapunzel uses her hair to nonchalantly swing around? Only a true engineering genius could figure out the mechanics to properly do that.
5. Arts: Pocahontas
Arts majors wish it was possible to paint with all the colors of the wind. Pocahontas finds meaning in everything and has an open caring heart free of fear. Like the Arts majors, she is spiritual yet focused and creative with everything. She searches nature to find new things to connect to, much like artists find new techniques to better their paintings, music, or overall design. The free mind of Arts majors and Pocahontas are vastly similar.
6. Psychology: Ariel
These students are particularly different because they learn a new way of thinking. These majors learn to listen intently to others and try to understand part of their world in order to help. They understand people are different. Psychology majors also learn that some people need advice, and others just need someone to listen to them. Ariel and Psychology majors are willing to go the distance for people just to help them out.
7. Science: Moana
Moana is a new Disney Princess, but oh boy was she persistent with always looking for something new. Like Science majors, Moana always searched for something apart from what she already knew. She was willing to leave behind everything familiar to make new discoveries and better the future for her people. Science majors are doing the same, always researching and finding ways to help improve the world. With Science studies always being updated, you never know how far you'll go.
8. ROTC: Mulan
ROTC programs help students in college join the military while also taking courses to further their education. Like Mulan, these majors are strong headed, disciplined, and should be extremely proud of all they do. They work hard every day, training and studying. Mulan and ROTC students are an honor to us all because they work the hardest to protect their countries.