Whether you call them tamales, hallacas, humitas, or pamonhas, these foods are a true favorite among Latino, Hispanic, and other various cultures around the world. Yes, a lot of tamales are enjoyed during the holidays, but these pieces of heaven are available year round!
Tamales are hard to make and they take the right amount of seasoning, ingredients, and filling to make. This isn't even considering the time it takes to actually cook. College students are a lot like tamales in the sense that it takes a long time to actually learn material, graduate, and survive during the semester, but once you are done "cooking" you'll be seasoned in your field, know the ins and outs of adult life, and though you won't be as tasty as tamales are, it will be worth it!
**Just so you know, NOT all tamales are Mexican, so the country of origin is including with each!**
Accounting: Plain Elote Salvadoran Tamales
It's plain and simple, like numbers, but mixed with the right cream to get the most delicious mixture of ingredients!
Ballet and Dance: Honduran Tamales
Biochemistry: Mexican Tamales
These tamales have slices of poblano peppers and cheese, and although these seem simple they pack a punch. One bite in you get flavor, but you also get your whole mouth burned, kind of like it is to be in biochemistry.
Biology: Salvadoran Chicken Tamales
These Salvadoran tamales are hard to make as well because they involve so many ingredients. Getting the recipe just right and the flavors require precise measurements.
Business Administration: Venezuelan Hallacas
Hallacas are tamales, but with different names. Now, as you may have noticed, all the foods here are hard to make because there is a reward at the end. That's just like college and university. The difference with hallacas is that I have no idea how they're made, but just that it's hard. Just like Business Administration, its hard, but I don't know why.
Chemistry: Spicy Red Mexican Tamales
This tamale is the most torturing experience. You think you'll like it before you bite into it, but, as soon as you take your first bite, you'll regret it. It is spicy like none other, and although it may have good seasoning, it is too hot to handle. If you're eating this tamale and it's not spicy, then it is not authentic. This tamale, just like the chemistry major, will test your limits.
Communications: Mexican Tamales de Dulce
Communications and tamales de dulce have something in common: they both take a very special person to like them. It is still difficult to get right, but you know what is waiting for you at the end: sweetness with no surprises.
Computer Science: Mexican Tamales Huastecos
These tamales are made of mole, a mixture of chili and chocolate. I know, I know. It sounds weird, but it's actually really amazing. These tamales are not as famous as others because only certain people enjoy this mixture. This is same for Computer Science Majors because they learn coding, development, and security, an overlap of flavors, just like with tamales huastecos.
Criminal Justice: Argentinian Humitas
Humitas are not officially tamales, but they are essentially the same thing. For all intents and purposes, we'll call them tamales. These are made with pumpkin and goat cheese. That sounds weird, I know, but they are still really good. Just as in Criminal Justice, you know what you're getting into, but experiences can differ from person to person. So whether you love or hate (which, I don't know why you would hate them,) humitas, these represent Criminal Justice majors.
Education: Costa Rican Christmas Tamales
Costa Rican Christmas tamales are perfect for education majors because, depending on the city or town, these tamales vary, just like with education majors. There is Biology, English, Music, Math, and so many more subjects that have education specialties. Every student is unique for future educators as well, so this is definitely the tamale for education majors.
English: Ecuadorian Tamales
There are so many ingredients for Ecuadorian tamales, just like English majors have to learn so many different factors in literature and writing, such as iambic pentameter, grammar, and other things I don't remember from my freshman year of college.
Finance: Dominican Pasteles de Hoja
Dominican pasteles de hoja or (Dominican tamales) are slightly different. They are made with mashed plantains, but nonetheless, they are still more than worth trying. When it comes to these tamales, there is so much different from others. Just like finance, the ingredients may seem only slightly different than other tamales, but the final result is a whole different taste.
Health & Physical Education: Peruvian Tamales
I debated giving unhealthy food to these majors, but then I thought, "You know, they probably want to be included," so here it is: a Peruvian tamale, and yes, they are unhealthy, but this definitely describes Health & Physical education majors since they are so much different than other science and education majors while staying relatively similar.
History & Political Science: Colombian Humita
The Colombian humita is perfect for History and Political Science majors, just because of the changes in government in Colombia and all the history behind this great country. From intricate government to archuacos, this history is rich, and that's why this is perfect for this major.