We know the Gallagher family consists of wild individuals. We also know that college can be a little wild sometimes. How would you label the Gallagher family members if they were college majors? Here are my matches.
Fiona - Business
Fiona has experience working at quite a few businesses and as a business owner herself. Her persona screams business major.
Lip - Computer Science
You remember the whole intern hacking business during his internship? He may have had a little help, but he'd be a pro at computer science.
Ian - Nursing
He's already an EMT and sympathizes with people fairly easily, so as long as he can keep up with the heavy workload, Ian would fit in perfectly with the nursing majors.
Debbie - Education
Since she already a pro a mom-ing, why not let Debbie Gallagher care for and educate all of our children? ...I made a joke.
Carl - Criminal Justice
He has the whole criminal goes to military school thing going for him. He also was intrigued by cop life in the past. I can totally see it.
Liam - English
Liam is so innocent. He would fit in well with the quiet English majors. They could all just do quiet and innocent things together.
Frank- Political Science
The master scammer of the show parallels to the master scammers of the world: politicians. Are we seeing eye to eye here?
Monica - Communications
Since Monica is just so great at keeping in touch with her kids I thought she represented the communications majors of the world quite well.