College Majors As Your Favorite Thanksgiving Dishes | The Odyssey Online
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College Majors As Your Favorite Thanksgiving Dishes

Wonder what your psychology major friend will be bringing to your Thanksgiving celebration? Look no further!

College Majors As Your Favorite Thanksgiving Dishes

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, I thought it would be fun to explore what each college major would be as some of everyone's favorite Thanksgiving dishes. Almost as if you were to show up to a Thanksgiving celebration, and you would pretty much expect your friends of these majors showing up with these foods in hand. I hope everyone's stomachs are empty and ready for a delicious feast with some of your best (and educationally diverse) friends from college.

1. Pre-Med - The Turkey.

Let's get right to the point here...who else are we supposed to trust with carving the turkey and breaking the wishbone?

2. Business - Mashed Potatoes.

Mashed potatoes are what I like to call, "the backbone of Thanksgiving dinner." They may be slightly overlooked. However, if they're missing from the table, everyone will surely notice. Just like business, which essentially runs everything. I've also included all the fixings and toppings which correlate with all of the different business specialties.

Psychology - Stuffing.

What are psychology majors obsessed with? What's on the inside of course. Makes them the PERFECT candidates to bring along the turkey stuffing to help round out the big feast.

Engineering - Turducken.

It has been brought to my attention that our friends over in the Engineering school will be bringing Turducken. We're not sure who will be eating it, but it certainly is...interesting (and innovative).

Agriculture - Green Bean Casserole.

This is the freshest of all of the dishes! We want to thank our ag friends for bringing such a delicious dish with their freshly grown green beans and crunchy onion topping. We can always count on the agriculture kids to bring something fresh, locally grown AND delicious!

Chemistry - Cranberry Sauce.

We'd all be lying to ourselves if we didn't admit that we ALWAYS wondered how that cranberry sauce came out of the can as the same shape. I wasn't too fond of having canned food at our Thanksgiving feast, so the chemistry majors are on the job, figuring out what mixtures will need to be made to achieve a perfectly jellied cranberry sauce.

Poli Sci/Legal Studies - Marshmallow Yams.

This dish sure knows how to pull people in, just like lawyers and politicians. The sweet caramelized coating of marshmallows is so attractive and demands a huge lump be put on your plate. Only to realize the underneath is not so exciting. Sorry Pre-Law friends.

History - Grandma's Apple Pie.

Well, this is really Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandma on your dad's side recipe who passed it down the line. The recipe is absolutely timeless and produces the most delicious and flaky crust along with beautiful apples and cinnamon flavors. We can't risk messing this one up, which is why we left it to the history majors!

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