It's fair to say that all college majors are home to different groups of people, especially personality wise, and like many of those personality quizzes, I thought it would be fun to create a list of dog breeds that embody certain majors because who doesn't love dogs? Here's what kind of dog you are based on these 8 majors!
1. Child & Family Development
Child and family development majors are like golden retrievers, and like golden retrievers, they are kind, friendly, confident, trustworthy, devoted, and intelligent! Golden retrievers are excellent with family and kids and I'm going to go ahead and assume a lot of those majors enjoy family and children as well right?
2. Communications
As a communications major myself, we have a stereotype of "just talking" or being the "easy" major, when we are so much more than that, which is why I chose the husky to represent it. Huskies are chatty dogs, but they also are very intelligent, outgoing, friendly, and playful. Communications majors aren't always verbally talkative, but we do like to write which I consider in a way is talking! We have to be fairly skilled in networking which requires being outgoing and friendly. I think the husky is the perfect embodiment of the communications major.
3. Criminal Justice
What better breed to represent the criminal justice major than the German shepherd? People that go into this field I assume take the law incredibly seriously (as we all should), and are very obedient. You also have to be courageous, alert, confident, and watchful to deal with criminals and the criminal justice system, and those are the exact same qualities found in a shepherd! It makes complete sense why they were chosen as for the job!
4. Engineering
Engineering is a huge major! You have to be super smart and super skilled at math. It's a major that requires a lot of work which is why people in this major are a lot like border collies! Border collies are smart, energetic workaholics who are always alert and responsive. They pay attention to details, and when working with machinery, you gotta be able to see everything!
5. Theater
Theater majors are very playful and creative. They have a wild imagination which is amazing! Dalmatians are very playful as well, but can also have a sensitive side; a necessity for acting! They're energetic and intelligent, which makes them perfect for theater in my book.
6. Business
Labrador Retrievers just shout business to me. They are trusting, intelligent, agile, even-tempered, and outgoing; all qualities of a successful businessperson.
7. Nursing
Nurses are what keep hospitals running, and with such a huge job, this major is represented by an equally huge breed. The Saint Bernard is a calm, gentle giant. Originally bred for rescuing people in harsh, winter conditions, they are also known as the "nanny" dog (Peter Pan anyone?). They are watchful, patient, as well as super friendly: All stellar qualities in a future nurse!
8. Science
What kind of dog are you?