When you're a college student, you learn that there several rules regarding dining that will save your skin in the long run.
First, your food needs to be cheap. College kids are notorious for going through financial struggles while enrolled in school.
Second, your food needs to be easy. Again, college kids are notorious for struggling while school is in session. Meetings pop up, papers come around, textbooks have to be read, and deadlines must be met. Nobody has time to cook on a regular basis.
Thirdly, your food should be delicious and probably isn't very nutritious...but who really cares, that college metabolism is here for a short while so might as well enjoy it, right?
What happens when you put all of these aspects together? Well, for starters, you get a dietician's worst nightmare.
However, you also get a handful of staple foods that work perfectly in both a financial and a time crunch. I'm talking Easy Mac, Ramen Noodles, sandwiches....
and Cereal.
From childhood to young adulthood and beyond, everyone likes cereal to some extent. Everyone also has their favorite cereal and that choice can certainly say a lot about a person.
Computer Science
No matter how many times you start to think that Golden Grahams are "boring" or "underwhelming" because they lack a super sugary coating or chocolatey flavor or even a cartoon mascot, you will be surprised after finishing a bowl. "This is amazing! Why didn't I think of this?" You say. Welcome to the world of the Computer Science major. Sure, things in the realm of technology may seem simple but, on the inside, they're painfully complex. Computer Science majors, we need you in this world.
Political Science/Diplomacy
What better way to immerse yourself in the culture than to eat something that is named "French", right? Okay, that might be a stretch but you have to admit that you were excited when this cereal came back on the market.
Nothing defines the Engineering major more than a strong desire. Seriously, you have to really want (or, rather, crave) the job that you have your sights set on if you pursue and complete an Engineering degree. If this is you, more power to you, some of us like to sleep from time to time.
Nursing can be described in many different ways. When doing clinical rotations, some shifts can be boring and others are so fast-paced and exciting that you begin to wonder if you're really on an episode of "Grey's Anatomy" (or maybe "Scrubs"). Between the bland oat pieces and the exciting, brightly colored marshmallow pieces, there's no other cereal that a Nursing major can relate to more than Lucky Charms.
Exercise Science
Wheaties are all about wholesome energy for the body, even down to the advertising. Exercise Science majors, whether they are on a Pre-PT, Pre-OT, or even a Wellness track, can understand the necessities of properly fueling the body. I present to you: a match made in heaven.
Education majors are truly the leaders of tomorrow. Say what you want, but they are the ones teaching the next generation, after all. As a result, it only follows that Education majors are the perfect match for a bowl of vividly-colored Froot Loops. The brand is notorious for its mascot, Toucan Sam, who has, in his most recent advertisements, introduced the world to his three nephews and encouraged them to "follow your nose for the fruity taste that shows"!
Who else would be creative enough to actually eat cookies for breakfast? Who else would be so daring? Who else would be so bold? It takes a lot to be onstage (or onscreen) in front of a crowd of people and it takes a lot to convince yourself that miniature cookies soaking in a bowl of milk constitute a sufficient meal. Not to mention the lung capacity and knowledge of proper projection techniques required to belt out that iconic "Coo-ooookie Crisp" with such a passion that Chip the Wolf is brought to tears.
What is history full of? Captains. What is this cereal full of? Thankfully, not captains. It is, however, full of sharp edges that are notorious for cutting the tender insides of your mouth. Yes, it takes a truly dedicated Cap'n Crunch fanatic to polish off a box of this cereal without letting it soak in a bowl of milk first. History is the same way: it takes a true fanatic to willingly relive the pains (and the glories) of the past.
Psychology majors tend to be drawn to things that are, well, a little Cuckoo. However, most of them have warm and friendly intentions in their desired career. They just want to use their abilities to make the world a better place, much like Cocoa Puffs makes drinking the bland milk they simmer in a much more delightful experience. Sure, they like to deal with the "crazy" parts of society but, much like Sonny, we love to see them satisfied in their ventures in the end.
Let's be honest: Frosted Flakes are an iconic cereal and will never die. They have always been on our breakfast table and always will be...as long as Tony the Tiger continues to be the great salesman that he is. Doesn't that growl of "they're Gr-r-reat" just make you want to dive into a bowl right this second? Business majors, if you want to be successful, take notes from Tony the Tiger. He has a lot of confidence in his business and it has done him well over the years.
Don't even try to lie to yourself. You know you sang the song when you saw the box. That's exactly why Reese's Puffs and Marketing majors go hand-in-hand. Both are incredibly creative and, because of this, can pitch ideas and concepts that will make even the simplest product absolutely irresistible to consumers.
Honeycombs are one of the more complex shapes that are offered in cereal. Chemistry majors rejoice, there's finally a cereal that focuses on a structure other than a square or a circle! That's your bag if you're a Chemistry major, especially if you're one of those sadists that actually enjoy Organic Chemistry.
Corn Pops: the underdog of cereals. Think about it, they're just simple nuggets of corn coated in a thin coat of sugary glaze. Not much different from the Frosted Flake, right? Wrong. Corn Pops make even the simplest of appearances so much more amazing and complex. Biology majors do the same thing with the human body, dissecting each system and its functions until you've found yourself with a new appreciation for the seemingly simple things in life.
No matter how controversial it may have been on the first air, this Cheerio commercial showed a lot about the concept of addition (and negotiation). While most don't think of Math as a cheery subject, Math majors and Cheerios just make so much sense together because of this commercial. Not only that, but there's probably been at least one time in your life that you have used Cheerios for some kind of math project.
No, English majors do not pair with Fruity (or Cocoa) Pebbles because we are crazy and destructive. However, we do share a quality of Bamm Bamm's destructiveness. Much like the cartoon toddler, we find joy in smashing things apart, breaking them down into smaller pieces, and making something great in the carnage. It's messy but it's all a part of the creative process.
Any Pre-Med Track
"Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids!" Yes, and a medical degree is for the truly dedicated. With any luck, you will eventually find yourself triumphant, displaying said degree on the wall of a well-established practice. In the meantime, it feels like you are doomed to fall victim to the same fate as the Rabbit, chasing what will inevitably elude you.
Americans consume a lot of cereal. Some of us consume different kinds than others and some of us consume more than others. All that matters at the end of the day is that you are happy with your own cereal choices and practices (and your major because, well, that's important too I suppose).