1. Leave your room. Make friends. You won't regret it.
2. Stargaze
<a href="https://images.8tracks.com/cover/i/001/527/118/tumblr_mwxw3h8Nlr1s1julao1_500-4386.jpg?rect=0,95,500,500&q=98&fm=jpg&fit=max" target="_blank"><img src="//az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2017/09/23/636417780821486303-1884906865_stargazingcartoon.jpg" alt="stargazing" style="display: block; margin: auto;"></a><a href="https://images.8tracks.com/cover/i/001/527/118/tumblr_mwxw3h8Nlr1s1julao1_500-4386.jpg?rect=0,95,500,500&q=98&fm=jpg&fit=max" target="_blank"></a>
the lack of light makes the stars seem incredibly bright
3. Text everyone you know who left campus for the weekend
4. Complain about the heat.
5. Hang out in the hall with people you just met.
be sure to bring all of your battery powered lighting
6. Have a dance party
just be careful not to hit the RA while dancing in the hallway
7. Take a cold shower to beat the heat.
8. Leave the city and go see a movie.
9. Go to IHOP with your new friends.
10. Play beach volleyball using the headlights of your car to light the court.
11. Hang up your hammock and read under the emergency lights.
12. Panic about the ice cream in your freezer.
you can make more friends by giving people said ice cream
13. Try to climb things because no one can see you if you fail.
14. Hand out flashlights because your mom sent you to college with seven of them.
15. Call the power company to find out what happened.
16. Go for a drive with the ac blasting in your car.
it can be cathartic to do this, especially with old songs playing on the radio
17. Fail to complete any of your homework because your professors will understand, right?
18. Make plans for survival in case the electricity is going to be off for a few days.
19. Learn the electricity is going to be back on within an hour.
cry because this means that everyone is going to go back to their normal life and forget about the newfound community