Lorelai Gilmore is one of the funniest moms of all time. Through all 7 seasons of "Gilmore Girls," the fiercely independent mother of Rory has managed to crack us up with her babbling, her encyclopedic knowledge of pop culture, and relatability to college students, even as a 35-year-old.
1. When you feel like there isn't enough coffee to keep you awake for classes
Believe me, we have all had this thought at some point!
2. When you have no idea what to write for your paper, have $67 in your bank account, and are wondering if you should keep your major
Maybe not entirely helpless.
3. When you're confident with your studies
I carry the intelligence.
4. Waking up early, especially on a weekend is not on your calendar
Who needs to get up early on a weekend when we have already dealt with club meetings, memorizations, and 203 pages of reading a week?
5. When your schedule is so stinking full
Is the jungle green?
6. When you feel like dieting doesn't exist
The dining hall should earn an award for the freshman 15 and senior 16.
7. Packing to go home or back to school like . . .
Come on, this is has happened to you every time you pack to go home or go back to campus.
8. Trying to convince your friends that you don't need to date someone from your class like . . .
Same, Lorelai, same.
9. When the weekend has gone too fast
Every . . . single . . . Sunday!
10. When you don't want to deal with your problems
Can I just not let problems bring me down and think about unicorns and rainbows?
11. When you're just out of it
The tickets to Escape-From-Reality Land.
12. Trying to get through a bad date like . . .
Sounds like a plan.
13. When you're sick of hearing the same story over and over
Looks like it's going to be one of my Gilmore Girls catchphrases.
14. When you pass all of your classes
Every single end of the semester.
15. Trying to prove you're capable of staying in college
Not a little kid anymore. I just gotta study, slip my Uggs on, and show everyone what kind of person I am.