1. When that one kid in class who has an opinion about everything won't stop talking
2. When your professor starts teaching things during syllabus week
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3. Trying to look attentive in class but realizing you have literally no idea what's going on
4. When your professor compliments your work in front of the class
5. Trying to hold on to your good grades, social life, work life, and mental stability like
6. When you're forced to get innovative with how you're going to feed yourself for the week
7. Looking for the $1,000 to drop on textbooks every semester like
8. When all your friends are on track to graduate and you don't even know if you'll make it through the week
9. When your friends ask you to hang out but you've already made plans with Netflix and your bed
10. Stopping in the middle of the road and waiting for someone to hit you so they can pay your tuition like
11. When you have an exam in the morning but there's juicy Twitter beef happening
12. Every time you hear "group project"
13. When the kid who never goes to class expects you to just hand over your notes
14. When that kid you hate gives an uneducated, unsupported, and ignorant argument and your professor completely shuts it down
15. When people your age are getting married, having kids, and starting professional careers
16. Going back to class after your professor gave you a bad grade on a quiz
17. That face you make when you understood everything you did all semester then you get your final and wonder if you're in the wrong class
18. Trying to figure out how some of the people around you got to college
19. When you have a test in a class and the professor says not to leave when you're done because you're starting a new lesson after
SEE ALSO: College Life, As Told By Nick Miller
20. Trying to convince your family that everything is great and you're confident about your future
(All images courtesy of Nick Mastodon and Katie Thomas.)
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