" The Office" has been pretty spot on with describing the different situations in life. But little does everyone know that these little "Office" quotes of wisdom can to apply to the life of a college student. Everyone can relate to these scenarios, and "The Office" does a perfect job of explaining everything that you are feeling.
1. When you're writing a paper and you need one more source.
2. When you get back a test and you did worse than you thought.
3. Talking to your friends after the weekend.
4. Checking your bank account.
5. Listening to your professor try to explain a hard subject to you.
6. When people ask what you're doing over break.
7. When you're overwhelmed with tests, projects and essays.
8. When your professor takes attendance.
9. When you think you have a handle on everything, but life decides to throw you a curveball.
10. When you feel so overwhelmed that you consider dropping out.
11. When you ace that big exam.
12. When the dining hall starts putting out its "own creations."
13. When your best friend starts dating someone.
14. When that person in a group project lets you down.
15. During exams week.
16. When you have a word count requirement on a paper.
17. How you justify staying up all night in order to get work done.
18. When your friends have too much homework and decide to stay in.
19. When you have to paraphrase.
20. When you leave your campus and friends for the summer.
"The Office" has a way to describe all of the emotions that we feel on the daily. This show encompasses everything that we feel, either as college students or just as normal, everyday people. Everything this show is about just screams, "This is the way life is!"