When you are going off to school thinking your room will be like a castle...
...but it turns out that instead, you will be living in a cardboard box.
When you sign up for classes thinking you will NEVER have a class that starts before 10 a.m., and then end up with all 8 a.m. classes...
When you are so tired and it is your busiest day of the week with no breaks between classes, you just want to cry...
When you realize how awful dorm food really is and you just want your mom...
When you realize what “syllabus week” really means...
When you make your first good friend and you’re like, “NEVER LEAVE MY SIDE...”
When you go out for the first time with your college squad, and you act like you’re superstars walking into a party...
When your favorite song comes on at a party...
When you and your squad need food at 2 a.m., and think that Dogg Haus hotdog is actually heaven in your mouth...
When you wake up not feeling too well…
When you see bae and try to act cool...
When every guy you try to talk to is with someone from back home...
When someone tells you they broke up with their significant other...
When you finally meet someone and their idea of a first date is watching Netflix and “chilling...”
When finals week comes around...
When you have to study but cannot make yourself...
When the semester is over and you don’t want to leave your friends...but then realize you are done with school!
The life of a college student varies from person to person. There are the students who want a little bit of everything. For example they could be student athletes in say, a medical major, and want a good social life...yes I am referring to myself. But all in all college is what you make it. The long-standing theory of college being the best four years of your life, is very, very accurate.