College before finals time is nothing but hectic. Trying to get all of your work done and see everyone before you leave for a months break is a lot to manage, you barely have time to schedule your many needed emotional breakdowns.
Final weekends of partying
When you start to realize that you will not be drinking with your friends who have become your emotional sense of being for a month.
Feels like every class has held off on giving work until now
When your teacher assigns another 10 page paper on top of a 20 page paper and a test.
Getting to the point of not caring
when you and your friends are together and talk about just not doing a final...
Sleeping through one class because you stayed up all night doing work for another
making your roommate fully aware of that class you have in the morning.. what it really means is if I do not get up do not wake me up but I did have the intentions of going
Trying to still look like a human
Getting ready becomes a group effort and everyone pitches in to make sure we all make it out the door looking half way decent
Coffee, Coffee, Coffee!
Coffee is the only way you are surviving these last three weeks
Trying to remember why you are even in college
trying to remember why we can't just all be given a handle of money
BUT IT EVENTUALLY ENDS and you can put that semester in the closest and never open it again