You may be about to graduate, you may not be about to graduate, or, heck, you may not even be in college yet, or you may be past college life. Regardless, the struggles of graduation are real and some people do not want college to end, like ever. But there comes a time when you want to or have to graduate in three years without having any additional credit count towards your degree.
1. Do I really have to graduate?
I am just getting used to sitting in the middle of the classroom, not in the front -- that is for students who want to become the professor's best friend. I have the perfect view of the board and the people around me, and am safely away from the professor in case I need to check my messages. I wouldn't mind making a career out of this.2. Why did I decide to graduate in three years?
Well, maybe it's your choice and maybe it isn't. You want to save money, and you think you can handle doubling up on classes and being involved in school, so you are there all day, every day and can catch up on homework at school. But nothing ever goes as planned. You may have received a scholarship or grants that makes you graduate in three years, otherwise you'd have to pay out of pocket.3. I'm graduating a class ahead of my peers and I don't know what to do with my life.
Yes! I got it, I can take a vacation for a year until the rest of my class graduates, and head to Cabo or Cancun or any other beach and relax, because after all, I graduated a year early! Right?4. Looking for a job
Even though I wish I could, I can't afford to take a year's vacation, because I have to deal with life. I'm going to have to hit the working world a year early, and that means having a resume to keep me competitive in the market. Why can't I just tell people, hey, you're hiring, and I'm applying for the job, boom! Simple as that.5. Taking a job, any job
Well, I procrastinated with working on my resume, and now nobody wants to hire me. So naturally, I take a job that I know I hate, I dread coming into work, and I look forward to going home and sleeping in my sorrows. I mean, after all, it pays the bills, right?
6. Weekends
It's the weekend, should I work on the project? Or should I hang out with my friends and meet new people?
7. Taking a break
You are now taking more than 12 credit hours in a normal semester, on top of taking summer classes and some mini-semesters. Take a break in the classroom they said, it will be alright.