My second semester of college is officially in full swing. I don't think I need to elaborate too much because if you're a college student reading this, you'll know what I mean. You've stopped waking up in time, or at all, for classes. The syllabus for class is just a way to count how many days there are left until Spring Break. Homework is like a stalker; you always feel like it's watching you but instead of confronting it, you run away as fast as possible (it's a little weird I know but doesn't the metaphor fit so well?). I hope I'm not the only one when I say: I have no motivation to do anything.
Naturally, I default to my most comfortable state. Lying in my bed, drinking tea, eating one of those party sized bags of Smartfood popcorn, and binge watching Netflix. Even when all else fails I can always count of Netflix, except for when the Wifi cuts out (which is often if you go to BU).
One of my favorite shows to watch on Netflix is "Bob's Burgers." If you don't know what that show is, I highly recommend you watch it. Who doesn't need more of a dysfunctional cartoon family who runs a burger joint that never seems to make any money but is still somehow able to remain open? Pretty much everything that happens in the show can get a laugh out of me, so I thought I would combine my love for Bob's Burgers in order to make this semester not as awful.
Waking up not remembering that you hit snooze on your alarm at least five times already.
It's okay, sleep isn't that
Breakfast what?
Let's be honest, your diet consists of ramen, dominos pizza and whatever fried food you can get your hands on.
Going to an organized event to take the free food.
Nothing gives me more of an adrenaline rush than walking away from an organized event with a pocketful of chocolate chip cookies.
Going to an 8 a.m. lecture.
Honestly, knowing I get to watch Bobs Burgers after class is what wakes me up.
Sweats on sweats on sweats.
Except for the few business school kids, you know who you are. In the winter, it goes more like Canada Goose then sweats on sweats on sweats.
When you get a C on that test you studied really hard for.
Actually, let's get serious. You studied for five minutes then took a twenty-minute study break which consisted of eating Cheezits and scrolling through Instagram watching food prep videos. Why is studying so hard????
You go to discussion because you think your TA is cute.
I haven't personally had an experience like this, but I've heard many a student fawn over their TA. Maybe I'm just unlucky? One of my TA's brought her dog to a finals review session once, if that counts.
Realizing you still have a paper to finish...
But you go out anyway.
At a frat party like:
Or like this:
Because at this point you just don't care anymore, you just go for the free lemonade *wink*.
I feel like I identify with Tina here on so many different levels.
What is money?
As college students, we just have to accept that we can't really have nice things, and for now, that's okay. It just makes us appreciate the fare share function on Uber so much more.
Falling asleep in lecture.
Cleaning your room = spraying Febreze everywhere.
Does it really count as messy if it smells like a meadow?
Trying to adult but barely succeeding.
Applying to internships, getting a job, renting an apartment are all things that college students have to do. For us, this is the beginning of a lifetime of being an adult and having a variety of important responsibilities. For now, we're just trying to have fun and not sleep through our classes. We may not be good at it now, but eventually, we'll get there.