We all have our moments at college, and sometimes those make the best memories for us as the four years passed by. Those experiences can be either good, bad, or even hilarious. Hopefully some of these images will bring back memories of your own!
1. Staying up late with friends.
We all tend to stay up later with our friends, especially on a school night. You may do crazy things, or even chill, while having deep conversations about life. Some of your best memories of school will come from these moments.
2. When you get an overload of assignments.
Okay. Do you see those tiny people on those boats? That's you. Those humongous, wide tides of waves are your school work.
3. Eating with your friends at the school's cafeteria (just like high school).
Let's be honest here...college is like high school, and the lunch room still has it's cliques of where certain people sit. I mean, look at Jesus, he's definitely getting the death glares there.
4. Realizing you slept through class...again.
There are two options to this. You either go to class or you don't. Which is more important? Class...sleep....sleep....Zzz....
5. When the campus has a social gathering, but people still tend to be in cliques.
We are one they say, we have school spirit they say, do we bond together? No, we say.
6. Realizing that college students never have enough time.
Questions we ask as a college student: What's time? Where can I find that? How much will it cost to get time?
7. Allowed or not, there will always be a party somewhere on campus.
I'm no party person, but I am already receiving the after effects without even being there!
8. Getting opportunities to study abroad.
Hold on, just let me learn the language real quick, then learn about its history, and possibly memorize the greatest landmarks in certain cities. (It is a great opportunity though!)
9. The struggle of getting around campus through the winter.
Remember in high school when you got all those snow days? They don't exist in college, especially if you live on campus. Don't worry though, it's not like your limbs are going to fall off or anything. Psh, just a flesh wound.
10. Roommate Situation.
Within the first year or two, one will find out if they are a people person or not. Like Van Gogh, he was a yellow kind of guy, and definitely not a people person.
So, there you have it! Did you relive in some of those moments? Did you laugh at few? I know I did! Hopefully, you're making good memories at school, and if you're not, then are really enjoying your opportunity there?