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Student Life

15 Things I Learned My First Semester At College

College is a crazy place, but it is a great place to be.

15 Things I Learned My First Semester At College


1. Roommates can be the greatest gift


Moving onto a college campus can be a scary adjustment process, but roommates understand that. Believe it or not, they are in the same mindset as you - just trying to figure things out - and they can become your greatest friends if you let them. Sometimes, you will get irritated with one another because you are always with each other; however, it doesn't last longer than 10 minutes. Most of your time together is spent laughing, cooking, watching TV, or even shopping. Roommates will truly become your best friends.

2. Alarms suck, but set multiple


If you have early morning classes or take a nap between classes, setting an alarm is essential. The best thing you can do is set three to four alarms. Set them all five minutes apart from one another, that way you won't be able to go back to sleep.

Another trick is to set one loud alarm and put it as far from your bed as you can. This will force you to get out of your nice, warm bed to turn it off. It will also alert your brain and make you more awake.

3. Don't get behind on work


As tempting as it is to skip class because you don't feel like going, do not do it. As tempting as it sounds to just sleep through morning classes, do not do it.

Missing classes will set you behind in your courses and your work will snowball into a lot of makeup work that you will never feel up to making up. Don't be the student who is struggling near finals to turn in any missing assignments because your grade is suffering.

4. Choosing a college away from your hometown is amazing


Don't get me wrong, I love my family and where I am from; however, living on a campus in a different county taught me so much. It opened my eyes to really living alone and seeing a place that I didn't grow up. It allowed me to be who I want while also teaching me independence. Lastly, it made the times that I do spend with my family a little more cherished.

5. Individuality


As stated above, living at college teaches you to be independent. It gives you a sense of being on your own in the real world and you learn how to navigate being alone. Let's face it, you can't live with your parents forever.

6. Minimalism is key

Please do not be EVERYTHING you own to college with you. It will only cause crowding, which will cause you unneeded stress on you. Besides, you don't need all ten pairs of your shoes.

7. You can never have too much coffee

Whether it is waking up super early for that eight o'clock class or staying up past midnight to finish that overdue essay, coffee will be there for you. Coffee keeps you awake and alert so you don't fall asleep during your classes or studying. And who doesn't like coffee?

8. You can study literally anywhere

You have access to libraries, empty classrooms, your dorm room, the dining halls, and the bookstore. I have even seen people sit on a bench outside to type a paper. The bottom line is you can study wherever makes you feel comfortable, because you know your own study habits. The beauty of that is people understand and will not bother you.

9. There are job opportunities everywhere


College campuses know that students are broke and need some extra money. In fact, most jobs on campus are ran by students. You can work in the dining halls as a cook or the coffee shop as a barista. You can even work as a tutor or an event planner. There are so many places to work and make money on campus.

10. Spend your money wisely


Most students at college go in without a job, needing to be supported financially by their parents. Though they give you money to help, that doesn't mean you should spend it all on junk and ask for more immediately. Save that money and spend it wisely on things you absolutely need at first. if there is any leftover, then you can spend some of it.

11. It is perfectly fine to question your major


Everyone has a point in their studies where they think "Do I still want to do this?" It is okay if you feel doubts or think that your passions have changed. If you become really unsure, talk to your advisor. I learned that they will talk with you about what you think you want to do, and if that doesn't work, try different things out and get a feel for what intrigues you as a person.

12. The staff is there to help you


Whether it be a professor, a custodian, a librarian, or even a shuttle driver, the faculty will help with any issues. They understand that you sometimes can't do everything alone and will help you. All you have to do is ask them.

13. Maturity


I have always been a very mature person, yet college has taught me to bridge my maturity into being an adult. Sure, I was proper, respectful, and responsible, but being on my own in college gave me the extra push to become independent and learn to manage money, relationships, and any problems along the way.

14. Identity


I thought I knew who I was already - quiet, smart, and hardworking. In my first semester of college, I realized that I could be more than that. I can be loud and outgoing. I can be anything I want because I am still figuring myself out.

15. Professors will treat you like an adult


Professors know that you're a mature adult. They will treat you as such. They won't talk down on you as if you do not know anything and yes, they will cuss in front of you. Nevertheless, it is refreshing to go into a place where you can have conversations with a teacher who doesn't tell you that your young- minded opinions do not matter.

College can be a scary place at times, but I promise, it is the best place to be. You learn so much about yourself and the world, and I highly recommend it to anyone.

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