Dear friend in laziness,
“You are not alone. I am here with you…" blah blah - Michael Jackson.
Seriously, you are not alone so here are some great life hacks for climbing Mount College. The ingredients include but are not limited to the following:
1. Obtaining a highly motivated roommate.
When your roommate is highly motivated and has the lightning speed ability to get things done, it is contagious. If contagion does not transform you, then you will feel bad about yourself. You will ask yourself questions like, “Why is my roommate getting things done while I am not?” and “What does he/she do or eat that I don’t?” This is a good first step to being motivated to get through college. If your roommate is at the same level of motivation, try the next steps.
2. Doing something you enjoy.
You already have a list of requirements to fulfill in college. Just keep yourself at ease by doing something you enjoy. This might be as simple as writing for an hour every day, going to the gym, or playing the guitar. Seriously, do it or find organizations that do because that can be the difference between getting up at 9:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m. on a Friday.
3. Getting like-minded but motivated friends.
You want people who share similar interests to you, but make sure your friends or at least some of your friends are always on their A-game. A-game friends will make you feel bad for being on your D- game, so you will at least move your game to a C, B+ or an A. They are positive peer pressure.
4. Starting early, starting now.
If you are a pro at procrastinating, start early. The assignment that is due in two weeks can be started today. In fact, why don’t you start it today? Two weeks from now you will thank your lucky stars you had the presence of mind to be two steps ahead of yourself. Take it from a professional procrastinator, there is no better feeling.
5. Finding motivation.
There are phenomenal people who are driven by achievement, recognition and other great intrinsic motivators, but there are also others who are driven by a treat to UNO’s at the end of the month, or a really good party. Find out whether you are intrinsically or extrinsically motivated. In addition to all that jazz, find out whether you’re short-term, medium-term, or long-term goal-oriented. This will help you figure out what will get you up in the morning or at least curb your compulsion to do nothing.
6. Remembering that a semester lasts for four months.
If you think about giving your best for only four months to get through a semester then it does not feel as bad anymore. Every month or even two weeks can count as a milestone. Seriously, there is so much reward after those four months like chilling at home, or a hard earned internship, or maybe it is work that has nothing to do with school.
And before you know it, it’s done!