Fun fact, once you enter college, you're basically just entering a second round of kindergarten. Some things just honestly never change. Some days, instead of being a college student, I wish I could just go back to kindergarten and how simple it used to be. However, I guess I'm still kind of there.
1. Having a regular nap time is a must.
Then:Napping was key in the life of a little kid, whether it was forced or voluntary. In kindergarten, nap time was forced, much to your dislike. Really, all nap time meant to any kindergartner was laying down on some plastic mat with a blanket, hoping you'd be close to your best friend and staying awake the whole time. When nap time was over was probably the best part of your day.
Now: Why did you ever hate naps? Now you basically schedule them into your daily life. Sometimes you just take naps because you're bored and have nothing better to do, or you have so much to do that you take a nap instead. Whether you need it or not, any time is a great time for nap time. Anywhere is fair game to take a nap such as the university center, the library, your friend's room and the like.
2. You still very much need your parents.
Then: You literally needed them for everything: transportation, food, clothing and all the basics of life. Let's face it, there were maybe like five things you could actually do well by yourself. Your parents literally taught you everything you needed to know and gave you everything you actually needed.
Now: You still literally need them for everything: how to be an adult, cooking advice, a place for when you do finally decide to come home, love and affection (because no one loves you more than your parents) and maybe sometimes their money, sorry. You're still not totally independent and rely on your parents for more than you think.
3. You get cranky if you're hungry.
Then: Snack time was where it was at during kindergarten. Your day was basically scheduled around when you ate, in order to prevent random hunger meltdowns. For real though, there was a designated time for snacking and you'd excitedly go to your lunch bag and find what treat your parents chose for you that day. Aside from recess, this might have been the best part of the day.
Now: Snack time is honestly still where it's at. You still need a couple snacks to get through your day. Snacking is always on your mind. The worst part is when you're in class and you can't wait to snack, and the person next to you is just snacking away on something that looks so incredibly good. If anything, that just makes you crankier. So always have a snack on you at all times.
4. You're broke.
Then: I mean, you were about five or six at this stage in life, so you couldn't have an actual job. If you really wanted or needed something, you had to go to your parents and hope the answer was yes. When you only get a $1 a week for chores, it's kind of hard to buy the newest and coolest toy.
Now: You probably have at least one job and get paid weekly or bi-weekly, however, your money is designated for other adult responsibilities. Got paid $200 this past week? You get to keep maybe $10 for yourself as "fun money." You probably should've been smart and saved your money when you didn't have adult responsibilities to pay for such as groceries and a college tuition.
5. You still learn a lot of valuable life lessons.
Then: These lessons were a lot more simple like don't hit, don't take something that's not yours, don't eat glue, be nice to people, share. These lessons are key to being a good person throughout the rest of your life.
Now: We're creatures that are always learning. Life lessons are just a little harder these days though. Instead of the basic "don't eat glue" and "don't hit people just because you're mad" it's "declare a minor with your major" and "here's how you pay taxes." Life lessons like these are also pretty key to your life.