Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to look back at your year in total- the highlights and your low points. It's a time to reflect on "what made my highlights so great" and "what made my low points low?" Also, it's a great time to say thanks and show your gratitude to those who made your highlights memorable.
Some of us college students dread going back to see our families for certain reasons such as the socializing aspect. Now, it's not because all of us college students are anti-social, but we dread the questions asked (especially as freshmen college students). For freshmen college students, there is a great change in our lives. When moving from high school to college, we're expected to know exactly what we're doing with our lives, when in reality, we still don't.
However, it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be this year. I've come to realize that your family honestly wants to know if you're doing okay, and they want to advise you, along with reminiscing with you what college was like when they were experiencing it.
These are just some of the questions we all experienced during Thanksgiving.
"How's college?"
Now, how do you respond to this? Our answers could include ones like "Great", "Cool", "I like it", or even, "It's nice". Usually ,though, the answer is "Good", or any form of the word "good"-this is what the "creative" college mind is coming up with nowadays.
"How are your classes?"
I don't think it's shocking that the answers to this question are the similar to the previous question. "Great", "Cool", "I like them", "They are nice"-or the infamous-"Good".
"What are you planning to do with your major?"
Now, I didn't get this question personally, but the answer depends on your major. Maybe you are still undecided, and still finding yourself. Some of your family members might've not understood that. "You're spending this much money to find yourself?" could be the reaction most people get. Receiving an answer like that might induce the anxiety you were repressing.
On the other hand, you might've impressed them with your carefully analyzed answer about your future including possible internships, and job opportunities.
The last question is my personal favorite!
"Do you have a boyfriend?" *
* boyfriend or girlfriend based on your sexual orientation/gender
I don't know which group of questions are worse-college questions or relationship questions. I don't know about you, but I definitely don't feel like talking to my aunt Gertrude about my love life! I also don't have an aunt Gertrude, or a love life, but I digress.
These questions might have scared you at first or you didn't feel like talking about them, but hopefully it didn't seem as bad as we all thought it would be. Just keep going strong and get prepared for finals! Pretty much the best week ever! Right?
I think everyone is just excited for the winter break at this point. A whole month to binge watch all the shows you couldn't keep up with during the semester. Sounds good to me! And there's no annoying questions!