If you’re like me, you want to be part of everything that you love. You’re very involved on campus and as a result, you have a busy schedule every day. That’s okay! What’s not okay is ignoring your own mental health because of it.
It’s understandable that you would like to do all these activities and still maintain a good grade point average. I get it! I’m where you’re at. But sometimes your mind can get swamped with everything you’re doing that it becomes pretty overwhelming. Learn to step back and take a break sometimes.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. Go see the therapist on campus. Take advantage of your resources. Don't forget to take care of yourself.
If your physical and mental health are not in sync, then how are you going to accomplish everything that you want to? Schedule time to take a breather and relax. Give yourself a facial or read that book you’ve been wanting to read. I promise if you don’t think you have any free time, you can probably find some. And it will be worth it because it will be calming you down.
You have to keep yourself happy and healthy on the road to success. Don’t push yourself farther than you can go or put too much on your plate at once. You know what you can handle. Make sure you're sticking to that.