Earlier this year I wrote about what it was like to be living at home while being a college kid. While its not all bad, you can still feel like your stuck in one place. That since your living at home you don't exactly get to do all the normal college kid stuff because you still have the peering eyes of your parents. That you can't really do all the things that you want to because you fear of the reaction of your parents. Trust me, I know the feeling well.
I know that the struggle can be real when your feeling like you can't do anything. Well after a very long, come to Jesus talk with my sister and my mom, I learned that I can't always worry about what my parents are thinking, and that sometimes I have to just do what I want, within reason of course. The wheels in my head just started to turn, going through all the ideas that I could and trying to plan something that I know that I would never forget. And the ideas just kept coming and coming and I couldn't contain my excitement as I got the perfect idea. A road trip.
I mean who doesn't want to go on a kick-ass road trip with their best friends?
I guess what I'm trying to say is that you aren't limited in your options. You can still experience so much even though you are in the same town you have been for years. You can still have the best college experience that anyone else is having on campus. Take a road trip, go to a water park, take a weekend and go camping, plan a weekend away with your friends. You have so many options that you can do without breaking the bank. I know that being in college can very well break the bank, buying textbooks and tuition and any other bills that you have to pay.
When I graduated high school, I knew that I was going to be staying at home and I wasn't exactly looking forward to it, I kept hearing all about move-in days and dorm rooms and roommates and parties and I was just gonna be at home. Then they would come home and talk about all these things that they have done at school, all the friends they've made and stuff like that. It kind of makes you feel a little left out. I love all my friends and I'm happy that they are having a good time, but it makes me a little sad that I don't get that experience, BUT I am experiencing a whole other thing and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
I can't speak for everyone when I talk about this, but I get the feeling that at least someone else gets the same feeling. Plan a road trip, don't just sit at home and mope. A lot of times people kind of "find themselves" when they leave the comforts of home. When you stay home, its a little hard to do that. That's where the road trip comes in, you get the chance to leave home and not pay thousands of dollars in tuition, instead you pay like $400 depending on where you want to go of course. Go to your favorite place, go to a place you've never been before, or just go to a different city in whatever state you live in. The United States is a pretty big country.
To me, feeling like your stuck in one place can be the worst feeling in the world. It can feel like your suffocating under your own house and you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, trust me its there. You just have to get through all the muck and darkness that life throws at you. You can always be like me and just wing it every time you start to get into trouble.