So "The Incredibles 2" premiers on June 15, and I don't think I could be more excited about it. And yes, I think I am more excited than a six-year-old. I have been waiting for this day for 14 years, and you best believe I have tickets to see it already.
This movie is a continuation of my generation's childhood. allowing us to be kids for an extra 90 minutes in the midst of our attempts at adulting.
No, we have not outgrown it.
We love the simple joy the animation brings us, and it will be a joy we get to feel for another 90 minutes in the theater with our friends that share the same love.
This movie has large shoes to fill, but I have no doubt that it will do just that.
Thank you Pixar for filling a gap in my heart I didn't know I had the past 14 years.