A College Kid's Christmas List | The Odyssey Online
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A College Kid's Christmas List

We'll take our hover boards and Kate Spade purses off our lists in exchange for these items.

A College Kid's Christmas List

As Thanksgiving season comes to an end, it’s finally an acceptable time to break out your Christmas albums and playlists (unless you are one of those people who gets in the Christmas spirit the day after Halloween)."My Grown-up Christmas List" is one of my mom’s favorite songs, and the lyrics about wishing for non-material things have resonated with me even when I was younger. “No more lives torn apart, wars that never start, and time to heal all hearts,” are sentiments that every decent person wished the world could be blessed with. For college kids, the material items on our Christmas lists are dwindling, but there are still plenty of things we wish for that even Santa can't provide.

This is what college kids really want for Christmas.

No lines at Chipotle...ever.

An empty Chipotle is the best Chipotle.

Having your college loans paid off.

With the extra money, we can buy everyone presents! (Or we can buy alcohol.)

To always be served first at the bars.

More time to drink if you don't have to wait!

Clothes that can change sizes.

For when your size 0 friend has a to-die-for dress that you could maybe fit your arm in, or for when you gain or lose a few pounds.

An IV of Coffee.

For finals week... or every week.

For pizza to have 0 calories.

...but to still taste good.

For the freshman 15 to mean that you lose 15 lbs, and never gain it back.

We want to eat, drink, and be merry... and stay the same size.

For there to be more snow days.

It's -2 degrees and we can't see where we're going... please let us stay inside.

No exams.

Open discussion sounds great to me!

For your family to stop asking if you are dating someone.

Sorry Grandma, but I’m not ready to discuss hook-up culture over the Christmas ham.

To be asked on an actual date.

Speaking of society’s hook-up culture, most of us want to actually be asked on a date, instead of being asked to “Netflix and chill.”

For the earliest class to be at noon.

We’ll be working from 9-5 for the rest of our lives, let us have our last four years of sleeping in.

For no classes on either Monday or Friday... or both.

Four day weekends sound great, five day weekends sound even better!

For people not to steal your seat 13 weeks into the semester.

I've marked my territory, go back to yours.

For your favorite celeb to go to your school.

Who wouldn't love sit next to Justin Bieber in Economics?

No cumulative finals.

Isn't one test on the subject enough?

To be able to replay what you did while blacked out.

On second thought, you may not want to remember.

For everyone in the group to contribute to group projects.

Group projects are awesome... if you're the one who doesn't do any of the work and takes all the credit.

For your laundry to do itself.

There's a reason why we wait until our last pair of underwear to do it.

For your favorite artists to put their music back on Spotify.

I’m looking at you, T-Swift.

To be able to keep your snap story so you could watch your whole year at the end of it.

Snapchat is one of the social media platforms college kids use the most to document their lives. It would be awesome if we could save the videos for a year, instead of just a day, to remember all the little moments.

A guaranteed job.

Jobs are the main reason we go to college, but they aren't something everyone is lucky enough to get.

Home-cooked meals from Mom while at school.

We enjoy the freedom, but we miss the home-cooked meals when we have to cook for ourselves or suffer the D-hall.

For the only emails you receive to be from teachers canceling class.

No, I don't want to to take an optional survey.

To be able to erase drunk texts.

Oh, you thought that I confessed my love for you last night? Must have been a dream!

To be able to have a puppy, but none of the responsibility.

It's like how we love being around babies, but being able to hand it off to the mom when it starts crying. We want the cuddles, but not the clean-up.

If you could make any of these things happen for the college kid in your life, they would be eternally grateful. But when in doubt, booze or money will do.

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