All I can remember growing up was how much I couldn't wait to grow up. I would dress up in my mom's clothes, stumble around in her heels, pretend to be on business calls (I was a weird kid) and long for the day when I got to do it all on my own. Well, reality hit hard when I moved out on my own and had to start to buy my own stuff.
Ever since I began working at 16 I would buy all my "extra things." These things would be like makeup or clothes, new records or books I wanted, and in my case a whole lot of plants. But what it also taught me was that I was super lucky to have parents that wouldn't leave me out in the cold and would buy all the necessary things for me. That was until I got to college.
Sophomore year I moved out on my own and these last few months have been rough. I feel like I now know why adults are always stressed. Here are twelve things that living paycheck to paycheck has taught me so far in my measly 19 years.
1. Going out is a luxury
I barely have enough money for toilet paper let alone a full three course meal.
3. Sales are your new BFF
Because who can honestly spend more than $20 on a shirt and feel okay about that?
4. Movie theaters are overrated
Just wait for it to come out on Netflix.
5. New electronics are not a necessity
My home phone works perfectly fine.
7. Cheap meals taste the best
who doesn't like ramen?
10. Reality is put into perspective
You don't need everything, and you slowly stop wanting more and more.
12. You value your parents so much more
Because without them you wouldn't be where you are now. All those late nights and long hours show how much they wanted to support you!