Having a job throughout college has been such an amazing experience for me. I have had a job way before I even came to college, but making the move to keep working was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
One of the best feelings is being able to pay my own bills and having extra cash. Whenever I even think about asking my parents for money, it makes me feel pretty shitty. I feel like I'm a lot more grown up because of it. I won't have to rely on them when I'm out of school helping me pay bills because I've never done it myself.
I work with the most amazing people at campus recreation at my university. Meeting new friends, gaining professional business experience, and being around the friendly environment that I am, makes my job one of the best around.
I've gained so much from working at campus recreation, but the most important is responsibility. I deal with money, other co-workers, scheduling and also customer service. Being on time and having the responsibility to communicate almost every day with everyone really makes the operation run a lot smoother.
People think I am crazy when I tell them I take 16 credits at school and also have a job, but honestly, it doesn't hurt me—it helps.
Since I do work at Half Acre, I have all the opportunities to get my studying done and also my homework. Of course the job always comes first, but it is so nice being able to relax and know that I can get my school work done.
Having a job during college may not be for everyone, but it is definitely the right choice for me!