To anyone still in college or about to start:
There's always a need to graduate as early as possible. Take all your classes for your major, get a diploma, and move on with this phase of life. What I've learned, through advice and experience, is to actually do the opposite. Of course you want the long nights, papers and exams to come to an end but that's only one part of your college career. The rest should be just as important as doing well in school. By this I mean enjoying your time in college and the experiences that come with it. If you fly by, you might miss the freedom you had once you're in a career that demands all of your time. Enjoy your summers, enjoy the friends you make and enjoy the time you have still being a young adult in this world.
Don't think that just because you're taking it slow means that you're going to end so late and wind up being behind. It's about doing well in your classes and actually taking the classes you want without being pressured to take mediocre classes that you need to take in the short time frame you have. On top of that, there might be some semesters where you'll have to pile up your classes in order to graduate on time and unless you're really experienced in time management (and don't have a Netflix account) then it would be a breeze. However, if assignments, exams and deadlines scare you into procrastination, it may not be a good idea to take six to seven classes in four months. Not only will you be stressed, but your GPA might even suffer as well and no one should have that problem, especially if you plan on continuing your schooling.
Extending a year in college may even enable you to take classes that you never thought of taking before and end up really liking it. Step outside your comfort zone and pick a class you would have never thought of taking. If you end up liking it, it'll help you do well and step up your GPA if you need some help or you may even turn it into a minor!
Now this isn't to force anyone to make the college process slower than they wish. If you think you can handle it and want to get it over with as soon as possible, then it would be a great head start to your life. On the other hand, if you feel pressured and are actually able to take it slow then you should highly consider it. It is not the lazy way out, nor is it too long. NO one should put you down for it either. It's your life and no one should tell you it's the wrong way. You'll be a little less stressed, have a great GPA and fun with all the newfound independence you have.