College is a privilege. It is something that most people have a hard time affording, and it is something that many people would be grateful to experience. By sitting in class and soaking in all the knowledge you can, you are expanding an education that many people don’t have.
However, in college, sometimes you see people who don’t care as much or aren't as grateful for their education. They sit on their phones and play on their laptops while the teacher may drone on about some boring subject. Trust me, I’ve been there before, I know sometimes college can be boring and can practically suck the life out of you. I used to be one of the students that would text in class and I would even whisper to my friends.
That was the old me. Now, I understand that the people who do these things are being completely disrespectful to their professors or teachers. You paid to be in school. You pay your teacher’s salary. By paying for these things, most would assume that you want to be in the class, but when you don’t focus, you give off the body language of not wanting to be there.
The unfortunate thing about sitting on your phone or not giving full attention to the teacher, is that you are wasting your own money. You are also giving up an opportunity to expand your knowledge and get something out of a class.
I was lucky to have shifted my body language when I did. I learn every day, even when it seems boring. I reach out and take the opportunities that are given to me every day. I pay attention and respond, even if I may be wrong. I take the time to do my homework and really understand it. I sit in my classes and I stay there until the professor is done talking and dismisses the class, even though everyone around me packs their bags and stands. I try to make connections with my professors and I ask them questions frequently. By doing this, I get the most out of the education I pay for, and learn so many things every day.
This change that I made to my education and learning style was the best change that I could have made. I am getting my money’s worth and I know that I can appreciate my professors, the knowledge I gain and the connections I make.
Being in college is really a chance of a lifetime, so take the opportunity and shift your body language to one of learning. Participate, engage and learn, then maybe you will get something out of your classes and out of college in general.
Maybe you will have a better experience.