Who doesn't love those cute, adorable, little creatures known as the Minions from "Despicable Me"? Here is first semester of college described by Minion gifs...
Move-in day: you're so excited to see all of your friends, and to make new ones. You're just filled with happiness and can't wait to spend every second catching up with everyone.
Welcome week: the week full of no stress and parties, why can't school always be like this?
First week of classes: the only week where you don't really mind going to class. You're excited to see who is in your lectures, and to see if your prof is just like how Rate My Professor described them.
Football season: even if your school's team isn't the greatest, you know you are excited to tailgate and go watch at least half of the game.
Further into the semester: you are now overwhelmed with the amount of work your classes require, and constantly find yourself at your desk or in the library
Winter is fast approaching: pretty soon fall will be over, and winter will be here. Remember all those hot days when you wished it was colder? Yeah, you regret that now...When is spring break?: as it gets colder, all you are thinking about is where you want to go to for spring break...but then you remember you have no money and you probably won't go anywhere.December rolls around: you're so close to finishing the semester, but you're also so drained and stressed. Why are final exams even a thing? Also, cumulative exams should be illegal.
Finals week: you're now running mainly on caffeine. You are in the worst moods possible because you haven't slept in days. All you want to do is eat, sleep and watch Netflix...but you know you have to study.
Party time!: you survived finals week and it is now time to party it up with your friends before you have go home for break.
Break is all fun and games, until you realize how quickly it went by and you have to return to school for another semester...