College has been on my mind since middle school. I was pressured to get good grades because college was the only path that I was supposed to take. There was no alternate path, just college. I have been taught that it will be my escape to bigger and better things. While that is true in many cases, I feel like I missed out on something while stressing out about it. I feel like I have been lied to many times because college is not the answer. I know this because I've met so many amazing people that will go on to do amazing things without a college education.
While I am thankful for the opportunities college has provided me with, I wish things were different. I don't like school, I don't like organized learning, and I sure do not like being in debt for the rest of my life. Sure, am I speaking as an idealistic person because I know that nothing in this world comes easy. We are all in some type of debt no matter how big or how small. I was raised by parents that did not go to college so of course I was put into the college box because they were not. I feel as that is simply unfair. School will open up doors you never thought imaginable, but at the end of the day I feel like I will never cross them.
Those doors will remained uncrossed because I am a Junior in college, a 21 year old woman with no idea of what she will do with herself or FOR herself. I have no aspirations, and no dreams, and no path to follow. I am completely lost. I have an idea of what life could possibly mean for me but my mind and heart are unsure. Of course, this is a case for most people whether they are in college or not.
I am probably making things far more complicated than they actually are but being unsure of myself has been one of the hardest inner struggles I've had to deal with.
The point I am trying to convey is that college is not always the answer (obviously). Many of you that are reading this are either in college or will be soon. I am not trying to stop you from going but just to think about what you will be putting yourself through in the next few years. And if you actually want it.
While I am at it, I would just like to say that I may not love much about school, but college is the coolest. It's like you're delaying adult life for four more years and I really needed that to grow up.