We all know college is a weird time in the life of students. You're in a place you don't know, with people you don't know, doing things you don't know. Let's face it, working for a life we don't know. College is one gigantic question mark. But that's okay, because we're all just wandering around this place, bumping into things, falling down stairs, staying up way too late, laughing way too loud, playing "what are the odds," and eating too much junk food, together. In a lot of ways, the randomness of The Office perfectly parallels with the craziness that is college.
1. When you have to buy everything for yourself
Well, most things... Thanks dad!
2. When you try to find a group to belong to
You'll be shocked by how much you can change around different people.
3. Rolling into class on a test day and wondering who these people are
How are they prepared for this?! They haven't come to a single lecture!
4. When you keep getting distracted in lecture
No one wants to listen to a four-hour-lecture about nutrition. Fun fact: I'm writing this in said four-hour-nutrition-lecture.
5. When you decide to dress up for class
Those days to happen, and when they do, dang. People will talk to you that have never talked to you before. Which is both cool, and terrifying.
6. When you get put with idiots on a group project
It'll happen, hopefully it's only once. But be prepared, the questions they ask make you want to pull your hair out.
7. When you don't read the book and try to act like you know what's going on
Sometimes you're just too busy, but seriously though, do your readings, it helps. A lot.
8. When you're trying to convince people you "hang loose"
But in reality you're an uptight book worm, or you sleep literally all the time.
9. When you did super bad on a test, but your friend got an A
Not like you're bitter or anything...
10. When you had a bad day and just want to unwind
Maybe cuz that one friend did super good and you got a 60.