Regardless of major, school, or study program, each and every good college creates community and connectivity amongst its student body. The emphasis on community engagement and social involvement opens the minds of young thinkers through exposure to new ways to new ways to thinking and, therefore, challenges them to solidify their own beliefs.
College is a community of individuals from all walks of life, but college is a common denominator that connects all of these incredibly different people and creates solidarity amongst them. It is the study groups, intramural sports, and crammed classrooms that generates an unparalleled sense of unity.
Community in college is at an entirely different level than ever before because students find themselves literally immersed within a sea of people. In college, students live amongst each other and, therefore, the bonds between students are deeper and the relationships grow stronger. Inevitably, because this community is comprised of such a large variety of people there is certainly exposure to conflict and also commonality.
Going to college is a pinnacle moment in the life of everyone who attends because it marks the beginning of true and utter independence. It is only within this newfound freedom that one can truly begin to develop themselves in an environment where all choices are permissible and accessible. What all the data in the world cannot show is the positive impact of the various experiences that one encounters within their college career.
The four years set ahead of the college freshman mark endless opportunities to create, grow, and discover. The purpose of college goes far beyond simply choosing a major or keeping a stellar grade point average, what it really entails is learning about others and, in turn, learning about yourself.
College forces students to learn how to live and work amongst their peers which is a skill that remains essential to future success within the modern world. A price tag cannot be put on friendships or life skills because those rewards are eternal and intangible. College only lasts four short years, but living in community lasts for a lifetime.