Have you ever noticed the importance we place on numbers when it comes to school? Whether it is when we look for the "best rated college" to continue our education at, or when we are ripping our hair out over the five page paper that needs to be ten pages by tomorrow, we are constantly bombarded with a bunch of quantity - and very little quantity. Well here are just 15 examples.
1. The #1 Rating
Let's face it...EVERY college has some number one rating from an obscure board you have never heard of. It seems like each information pamphlet is gloating about this to the point where it means absolutely nothing,
2. GPA... Generic Pointless Analysis
Call me crazy, but I do not think that a number that is based off of 3 tests, one paper, and the amount of days I showed up to class is an accurate measurement of intelligence.
3. Classes and Credits
The goal when making your schedule is to see how stressed you can make yourself in one semester. You have so many requirements to fill that you may not even check what classes you are taking- as long as it gets you the necessary credits to graduate you may not even care.
4. Financial Aid
Fill out a ton of applications and wait anxiously to find out if you can go to school next semester. Sounds exciting, right?
5. How many pages are left?
Writing a paper? Reading a novel? I would be willing to bet you know EXACTLY how many pages you have left and it is probably more than you would like.
6. Professor Reviews
Varying and unreliable. Not to mention that half the reviews are done by angry students who failed the class in the past. I will admit it, I still check them before every semester though. What do you rate them on a scale of 1-5?
7. Course Hours
Some majors require you to do course work off campus to get experience...just in case you had too much extra time on your hands.
8. Deadlines
The paper is due Monday at 8 am? Okay well it is only Sunday morning, I have plenty of time left!
9. Meal Plans Galore
Love them or hate them, they are huge part of college culture. Some charge you to use a meal plan; You're basically paying to buy food on campus. If you're lucky- your college has an awesome cafeteria full of options. If you're not so lucky- hopefully they sell your favorite snack in the vending machine.
10. Making the Dean's List
If you have figured out all of these things, then hopefully you're recognized by your school! Most of the time this requires a certain course load, GPA, and sometimes are done based on how you compare to your fellow students.
No matter how frustrating it may get, just know you can do this! Don't get discouraged- get motivated! Learn to laugh at all the silly nuances that come alone with the college years, and maybe even to enjoy them. It will be over before we know it, after all. :)