1. You realize just how much you use your cell-phone.
2. That chores are most definitely still a thing.
3. How much you value your independence.
4. The convenience of living near everything: friends, coffee shops, gym, etc.
5. That there is "nothing to do" at home.
6. Everyone else has moved on with their lives except you.
7. Old memories die hard.
8. Your constant reply to questions about college is, "It's good." Even if it was far from it.
9. It's not acceptable to lie in bed for an entire day and watch Netflix.
10. There's seriously nothing to do.
11. You can't get out of bed even for breakfast because you're too tired and don't know how you ever managed your busier life at college.
12. You lose weight at home.
13. You feel obligated to ask to do things and/or just do things and forget you have a parent that wants to know your whereabouts.
14. Facetime becomes a constant and Snap Streaks blossom.
15. You think about how much your past semester sucked but spend your days wishing for the next one to start.
16. You care more about your appearance at home than at college.
17. You miss your friends more than you ever thought you would.
18. You thank your lucky stars that your parents still have pets.
19. You make sure to let everyone know you're having a great time without them even though you're not.
20. You wish you could bring everyone back with you.
Even though college is tough and exams are horrible, it's worth it in the end for the crazy busy days, weekends, and everything in-between. Not to mention the independence that comes along with it. Mom and Dad, we love you, but there's definitely a reason why society says you move out and find a way to live on your own. It grows you and changes you, but we definitely thank you for everything you taught us along the way.