Well, college is now a few weeks underway. That means homework, projects, study hours, clubs, Netflix, junk food, professors and tests are all in full swing.
Que mental breakdown.
I have to be honest and say that I truly hate the first month back at school. Getting back into the rhythm of college life and the work involved is a jarring shock to the system after a few months break. I always find myself looking for help and advice to help me make it through another week of classes. Here are some of my favorites/most helpful.
1. Breathe
Now, I know most of you aren’t holding your breath for kicks or simply forgetting to draw breath. This piece of advice is given as a reminder to take a break every once in awhile to recharge from working.
That being said…
2. Do The Work
Don’t stop and recharge for the rest of the semester, there is still work to be done. Taking breaks are important, but so is getting all of your assignments in. No one likes doing the project or homework as soon as it is assigned, we would much rather get something to eat or hang out with friends or just really do anything but the work. Start it. Start working on it the same day it is assigned. You’ll be glad you got it out of the way and you don’t have to stress about getting it done on time.
3. Get a Drink
Chamomile, passionflower, and lemon balm tea are all good teas for relaxing. When you get overwhelmed, get up and make a cup for yourself. Sit away from the work you need to do and just drink a little of the tea and put your focus on that for a few minutes. Not working for a few minutes, even with a looming deadline, is not going to kill you. The break may just re-energize you and allow you to think more clearly.
In addition, choosing a decaf tea and just spending a few minutes before bed drinking tea and being off of electronics can help get you to sleep faster.
4. You Don’t Need To Have All The Answers
And I’m not talking about on a test. My brother has had to tell me this multiple times when I get overwhelmed by life and it is the greatest advice he has ever given me.
Would it be nice to know where I’m going, what choices I have to make, and how exactly I’m going to become a roaring success in life? Hell yes, but it isn’t possible for me to know all those answers.
We change our minds, we change careers, we change interests and that’s okay. What you do straight out of college will probably not be what you will be doing for the rest of your life. Time changes and you change along with it.
Don’t be afraid if you don’t have all the answers. I sure don’t.