No time for karate in the garage, it's your hell week. Time to buckle down.
The Sunday shock when you realize you are officially screwed.
It's Sunday night. You are exhausted from the weekend and from an extensive chapter meeting. You decide to open your planner to double-check your assignments for the week that should NBD. Three exams, one paper and a project due by Friday!?
You've accepted the fact you're gonna look like crap this week.
You are in for a week of baggy puffy eyes and the endless time in the library will make you be looking some type of way. You don't have time this week to put forth effort into your appearance.
Your phone starts to blow up with your group members asking if you can all meet every night this week for three hours. But, wait, Becky cannot meet until Tuesday unless it's after 5 p.m., but Daniel cannot meet unless it's before 9 a.m. every day and, well, you get the picture of the dreaded group meeting.
You have just finished your first all-nighter of the week and first exam.
Now, your group can only meet right now. All you want to do is sleep, but Becky won't let you live it down if you try to bail on this next meeting. Dammit, Becky.
As if organizing and dealing with all your group members wasn't torture enough, your group meeting was completely unproductive. You ended up distracting each other by looking up music videos and turning your history presentation into an awful, inappropriate song. You have to meet for three more hours to actually finish your work.
Midway through the week you snap on your mom/roommate/best friend.
They didn't deserve it at the time, but you are delusional from lack of sleep and your eating and sleeping patterns are anything but healthy to deal with the stress. No, you don't have time to go out to a nice healthy dinner for Susan's 22nd b-day, You don't even have time to sleep, dammit.
It's Wednesday night. You have two exams down and are halfway through your paper. You do everything else like clean, organize and disinfect your entire room before finishing your damn paper.
It's now Thursday and you can almost taste the weekend, but you are not done yet. Now, all that stands in between you and freedom is your project due tomorrow, but you need help. You reach out to a classmate for notes on how to the project and they actually respond! There are good people in the world that can lessen your week of hell! Thank you, Mark (the kid in the glasses who sits in the front row)!
You made it!
You somehow survived your hell week and are ready to take on the weekend. Bring on the day drinks people, because tomorrow...